Applicant Help

Forgot Password

This article explains what options are available if you cannot recall your password or do not receive the recovery email.

Manual Credential Recovery

If you know the email associated with your account, select Forgot Password on the login page to start the recovery process. 


Once selected, you will need to provide the email address associated with your application and click Email Instructions


The system will send an automated email that contains a temporary password to your email address. Once received, you can use your email address and the password provided in the email to log in to your application.

If these manual recovery steps cannot be completed, please submit a support request, as outlined below.

Submit a Support Request

Support can also assist in password recovery. Select the Contact Us button at the top of the Learning Center and submit a Support request that outlines the access issue you have experienced. Frontline Support will work with you to regain system access.


Additional Information

Once logged in, you are free to change your password on "Page 1. Personal Info" of your application. Consider referencing the Changing Password article for more details. 
